
From Tolkien Gateway
Revision as of 13:58, 21 February 2013 by OldakQuill (talk | contribs) (Add pronunciation)
Months in the Shire Calendar
  1. Afteryule (January)
  2. Solmath (February)
  3. Rethe (March)
  4. Astron (April)
  5. Thrimidge (May)
  6. Forelithe (June)
  7. Afterlithe (July)
  8. Wedmath (August)
  9. Halimath (September)
  10. Winterfilth (October)
  11. Blotmath (November)
  12. Foreyule (December)

Blotmath (pronounced Blodmath or Blommath) was the eleventh month of the Shire Calendar, approximately equivalent to modern November (in fact running from 22 October to 20 November on a modern calendar). It was called Blooting in Bree.[1]
