
From Tolkien Gateway
The name Nár refers to more than one character, item or concept. For a list of other meanings, see Nár (disambiguation).
Turner Mohan - The Heir of Durin.jpg
"The Heir of Durin" by Turner Mohan
Biographical Information
BirthThird Age
Physical Description
GalleryImages of Nár

Nár was an old Dwarf, the sole companion of King Thrór when he set out to wander in the wilds of Middle-earth.

History[edit | edit source]

Almost nothing is known of Nár, other than that he accompanied Thrór, the King of Durin's folk on his final journey in his attempt to find fortune in wider world and escape the scorn of Men. They travelled together from Dunland, where Thrór's relatives and subjects were living at the time, heading north they crossed the Redhorn Pass and came down into Azanulbizar.[1]

Their journey eventually brought them to the ancient halls of Moria, now infested with Orcs and Trolls. Nár begged Thrór to beware, but he took no heed and insisted on entering while Nár stayed behind and waited for the king not far from the gate.

Azog and Nár by Steamey

That was the last any Dwarf ever saw of Thrór alive for he was beheaded by the Orcs, and their chieftain Azog branded his own name on Thrór's brow in dwarf-runes. The Orcs allowed Nár to live only so that he could return to Thrór's son Thráin II with a message that Azog now ruled in Moria and if any Dwarves dare enter there again, they will share the same fate. Azog threw towards him a pouch of few coins for his services as a messenger.

Nár fled back down the Silverlode to Dunland where his message caused such anger amongst his people that it raised a call to arms among all seven Dwarf Houses to avenge the elder high-king of their race, leading the War of the Dwarves and Orcs. In the climactic Battle of Azanulbizar, Azog himself was slain along with thousands of others on both sides.[1]

Etymology[edit | edit source]

Nár is a dwarf from the Dvergatal. His name means "Corpse".[2]

Portrayal in adaptations[edit | edit source]

2010: The Lord of the Rings Online:

Nár, now an elderly dwarf with bad eyesight and even worse memory, is living in Zudrugund, a settlement of Longbeard exiles from Erebor in Dunland that was abandoned when Thorin Oakenshield led his people to Ered Luin. Nár stayed behind and his elder years is now being looked after by Frithgeir, the only other dwarf in these lands.
When the player is imprisoned in Orthanc, Saruman taunts them that he had observed their movements for a long time and claims to have killed Nár after his usefulness came to an end. After escaping the captivity, the player checks back on Nár and Frithgeir and discovers that Saruman had lied. After the Siege of Erebor, the new King Thorin III Stonehelm learns from the player that Nár is still alive and invites the old friend to live the rest of his days in peace under the halls of the Lonely Mountain.


  1. 1.0 1.1 J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings, Appendix A, "Durin's Folk"
  2. Chester Nathan Gould, "Dwarf-Names: A Study in Old Icelandic Religion", published in Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, Vol 44 (1929), issue #4, pp. 939-967